Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 5, 2013

File việt hóa actual install 4.8

tải bản actual install4.8 tieng viet


0=thu muc chinh:
1= bat dau thu muc:
2=bo sung:

0=< &quay lai
1=&tiep theo >
3=&cai dat
5=&dong y
8=&ket thuc
9=&giai nen
11=&toi dong y

0=Setup - <AppName> <AppVersion>

0=Phan mem <AppName> dan duoc thuat si  cao gia it cai dat vao may tinh cua ban
1=chon non ngu khi cai dat:

0=Phan mem <AppName> dan duoc thuat si  cao gia it cai dat vao may tinh cua ban
1=Tcai dat <AppName> <AppVersion> vao may tinh cua ban, moi thac mac gui ve  trang<#><#>Iva de lai comment va dong ung dung lai  khi cai dat.

0=dong y ban quyen
1=lam on doc  thong tin de tiep tuc cai dat.
2=lam on doc thong tin ban quyen .nhan xac nhan truoc khi cai dat.
3=neu dong y thi nhan dong y, nhan toi dong y de tiep tuc.
4=toi dong y ban quyen

0=doc thong tin phan mem
1=doc thong tin nha san xuat.
2=khi ban dong y ,nhan tiep theo de cai dat.

0=su dung thong tin
1=xac nhan thong tin.
2=nhap thong tin nguoi dung , vao nhung o danh dau hoa thi (*).
4=cong ty:
5=ban quyen:
6=so ban quyen bi loi, lam on thu lai

0=chon thu muc cai
1=chon noi cai truc tiep.
2=cai dat <AppName> theo duong dan.
3=cai vao thu muc khac,nhan duyet va chon thu muc.
4=thu muc chinh
5=yeu cau khoan trong: %s
6=khong gian trong: %s
7=o dia khong con khoan trong.

0=chon menu thu muc
1=chon bieu tuong thu muc  chuong trinh ?
2=phim tat cua thu muc chuong trinh.
3=khong tao nhom chuong trinh
4=tao bieu tuong  ngoai man hinh Desktop
5=tao bieu tuong Quick Launch
6=loai file chuong trinh: %s

0=san sang cai dat
1=bat dau cai dat <AppName> <AppVersion> vao may tinh.
2=click cai dat de tiep tuc, hoac nhan quay lai  luc dau.

1=doi chuong trinh cai <AppName> vao may tinh gium ban.
2=tap tin cai...
3=tao bieu tuong...
4=tao menu dang ky...
5=sua doi tap tin ini...
6=tao nhom...
7=dang ky Fonts...
8=dang ky ActiveX...
9=dang ky loai thu vien...
10=cai dat hoan tat...
11=xoa tap tin tam...

0=hoan thanh cai dat<AppName> vao may tinh giup ban rui do.
1=ket thuc cai dat <AppName> <AppVersion> vao may tinh.
2=canh bao! qua trinh cai dat co loi, chuong trinh khong the cai dat.
3=Click ket thuc de thoat ra.
4=khoi chay ung dung <AppName>
5=xem thong tin
6=truoc khi ban co the su dung<AppName>, yeu cau khoi dong lai may.
7=khoi dong lai may
8=toi dong y khoi dong lai.
9=khong , khoi dong lai sau.

0=go bo <AppName> <AppVersion>
1=ban co muon go bo<AppName> <AppVersion>?%n%ra khoi may tinh,co chac la ban muon go bo.
2=<AppName> <AppVersion> da duoc go bo hoan tat.
3=xem website cua nha san xuat?
4=<AppName> dong ung dung khi go bo.%n%nnhan ok de thoat <AppName> tu dong.
5= <AppName>, may tinh ban can go bo.%n%nkhoi dong lai?
6=<AppName> <AppVersion> chi go bo voi quyen quan tri vien.

0=thong tin
2=phien ban:
3=cap nhat
5=loi cap nhat.
6=khong cap nhat tu trang chu.
7=phien ban pho bien: %s%n%nban muon tai phien ban nay?
8=khong cap nhat

0=thoat cai dat
1=ban muon huy cai dat khong?
2=yeu cau phien ban 64 bit cua window.<#><#>khong the cai tiep.
3=This installation requires Windows %s.<#><#>Installation cannot continue.
4=This installation requires Administrator Privileges.<#><#>Installation cannot continue.
5=This installation requires an Active Internet Connection.<#><#>Installation cannot continue.
6=Please close the following application, then click Retry to continue, or Cancel to exit:<#><#>"%s"
7=This installation requires .NET Framework %s or higher<#>to be installed on your computer.<#>Installation cannot continue.<#><#>Would you like to install it now?
8=This installation requires Internet Explorer %s or higher<#>to be installed on your computer.<#>Installation cannot continue.<#><#>Would you like to install it now?
9=This installation requires Acrobat Reader %s or higher<#>to be installed on your computer.<#>Installation cannot continue.<#><#>Would you like to install it now?
10=This installation requires Java (JRE) %s or higher<#>to be installed on your computer.<#>Installation cannot continue.<#><#>Would you like to install it now?
11=%s is already installed on your computer.<#><#>This application must be uninstalled before installation.<#><#>Would you like to continue?
12=File "%s" already exists.<#><#>Would you like to overwrite it?
13=Error creating directory:<#>%s<#><#>Access is denied.<#><#>Installation cannot continue. Log on as administrator or contact your system administrator.
14=Error creating file:<#>%s<#><#>Access is denied.
15=Error creating registry key:<#>%s<#><#>Access is denied.
16=Error creating shortcut:<#>%s<#><#>Access is denied.
17=Error creating registry key:<#>%s<#><#>Access is denied.
18=Error creating registry value:<#>%s<#><#>Access is denied.
19=Error writing INI value:<#>%s<#><#>Access is denied.
20=Error creating association for:<#>%s<#><#>Access is denied.
21=Error registering font:<#>%s
22=Unable to register DLL/OCX:<#>%s
23=Unable to register Type Library:<#>%s
24=This installation requires SQL Server Compact %s or higher<#>to be installed on your computer.<#>Installation cannot continue.<#><#>Would you like to install it now?
25=%s is not found on your computer.<#><#>Update cannot continue.
26=This installation requires SQL Server Express %s or higher<#>to be installed on your computer.<#>Installation cannot continue.<#><#>Would you like to install it now?
27=This installation requires "%s" to be installed on your computer.<#>Installation cannot continue.<#><#>Would you like to install it now?
28=Please restart this setup program after installing prerequisite.
29=Source file not found:<#>%s<#><#>Please specify the location of this file.

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